It can be very useful especially when put together with other verbs.

The verb dekiru (できる) means to be able to or can. Will you go out with me = watashi to tsukiatte kudasai Will you go out with me (polite) = watashi to otsukiai shite kudasai (私とお付き合いして下さい) Have a girlfriend = kanojo ga imasu (女がいます)Īnother term that is used for the word love is koi which is used similar to ai but is only used for romantic love. kanojo can be used for the word girlfriend.ĭo you have a girlfriend = kanojo iru no (彼女いるの) In Japanese kare/kareshi can be used for the word boyfriend. I hit on her = kanojo o kudoita (彼女を口説いた) He hit on me = kare ni kudokareta (彼に口説かれた) When someone hits (flirts) on someone else, the verb kudoku is used. I confessed to her = kanojo ni kokuhaku shita (彼女に告白した) To be confessed to = kokuhaku sareru (告白される) When Japanese people tell someone they love them it is called one of the verbs below. When it is used on a person it often shows that you are referring to them as a whole. This usually is to emphasize things about something. I like reading books = hon o yomu koto ga suki desu In sentences like the ones below, desu can be added to make the conversation more polite. It can be used for people, animals, objects and anything else. In Japanese you will see suki used to mean love. In a previous lesson we learned the word suki which means to like. Love mom = okaasan o aishite imasu (お母さんを愛しています)

Love you = anata o aishite imasu (あなたを愛しています) Ai is a very strong word with lots of meaning. There are different ways you can say I love you in Japanese.